Please note that your registration request will be submitted to the organizer for approval. Upon approval, virtual event access information will be sent to the email address indicated on the registration form.
May 25, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Coupon-eligible, Virtual
Adobe Acrobat — Virtual Event
General Information
Register on or before Wednesday, May 24, to ensure the delivery of instructional materials.
- MHCEA member — Complimentary*
- Non-MHCEA member from MHA-member hospital — $225
- Non-MHCEA member from nonmember hospital — $275
*Join Missouri Health Care Executive Assistants for $30, and reap the benefits of MHCEA membership.
This event is eligible for use of the MHA Health Institute coupon. Note: Coupons were mailed to MHA-member hospital CEOs in December 2022.
This event also is being offered at a reduced registration fee to MHA-member hospitals thanks to a generous contribution from the MHA Management Services Corporation.