Political Action Committees
Essential Tools for Hospital Advocacy
Issues that have a direct impact on Missouri hospitals constantly are being debated. Together, we form the foundation upon which MHA’s member hospitals and health systems build relationships.
MHA’s political action committee, HEALTHPAC, and our partnership with the American Hospital Association Political Action Committee, AHAPAC, are the most effective ways to ensure hospitals have a united voice when decisions are made impacting the delivery of health care in Missouri.
HEALTHPAC supports state candidates who understand the special role hospitals have in their communities — candidates who are committed to supporting a legislative and regulatory environment conducive to hospitals’ success in meeting their mission of providing extraordinary health care. It is one component of a broader advocacy strategy employed by MHA.
The MHA Board of Trustees governs the activities and funds of HEALTHPAC. The decisions on which candidates to support are based on qualifications, knowledge, sensitivity and responsiveness to health care issues.
Your Voice is Key
Giving to HEALTHPAC is the most direct way you can contribute to creating the right environment for hospitals to thrive. Your donation helps ensure the voice of hospitals and health systems is heard, loud and strong.
HEALTHPAC helps ensure the success of candidates who not only embrace the vital role hospitals and health systems play in health care and Missouri’s economy but also take proactive measures to make sure that role does not diminish.
Put simply, donating to HEALTHPAC is an investment in the future of hospitals, the future of health care and the future of our state.

2024 Campaign
The 2024 HEALTHPAC goal is $165,000, and the campaign will run from April 1 to Sept. 30. In this election year, MHA raised the statewide HEALTHPAC goal to $165,000 to amplify and strengthen hospitals’ voice amidst the intensity of other advocacy groups’ efforts. This is the first time the goal has been raised since 2022. Each hospital’s goal will be based on their number of FTEs.
To meet this goal, we suggest that each solicitable individual contribute 1/10 of 1% of their salary. For example, a leader who makes $100,000 annually will be asked to contribute $100.
Campaign Resources
Political action committees are critical components of MHA’s advocacy efforts. Because each member hospital/health system benefits from the PAC funds raised, it is essential that each member does its part to meet fundraising goals. To help in your efforts, the following campaign resources are available.
Those wanting to contribute to HEALTHPAC can do so in two ways — online or by check.
- Make a credit card contribution online.
- To contribute by check, use this form.
- Make checks payable to HEALTHPAC.
- Submit forms and checks with a transmittal form.
HEALTHPAC can accept personal contributions. It also can accept corporate contributions, but only from for-profit entities. These for-profit corporations must operate under a valid certificate of authority issued by the Missouri Secretary of State. Limited liability companies that have not elected to be classified as a corporation under federal tax law may contribute to HEALTHPAC, provided they have been in existence for one year and registered with the Missouri Ethics Commissions. Federal law prohibits corporate contributions by not-for-profit, tax-exempt organizations. Public hospitals also are prohibited by state law from making corporate contributions to political action committees.
Contributions to HEALTHPAC are not tax deductible. State laws require us to use our best efforts to collect and report certain information about donors.
Certain limited liability companies must register with the Missouri Ethics Commission before making contributions to Missouri campaign finance committees.
Contact An Expert

Those wanting to contribute to HEALTHPAC can do so in two ways — online or by check.
- Make a credit card contribution online.
- To contribute by check, use this form.
- Make checks payable to HEALTHPAC.
- Submit forms and checks with a transmittal form.
The AHA Political Action Committee allows eligible hospital leaders to make voluntary donations toward the support of federal candidates of both political parties who support the hospital policy agenda. AHAPAC is bipartisan, working with state hospital associations and others. To learn more about AHAPAC, please visit its website.