Price & Quality Transparency
Transparency allows hospitals to continue improving the quality and safety of care provided, improving health in their communities and increasing the value of care received.
This focus commonly is referred to as the Triple Aim — better health, better care and lower costs. The goal of the initiative is to provide current and complete information to consumers, while increasing statewide efforts to reduce variation in outcomes and better coordinate care across all settings through noncompetitive methods.
2021 Community Investment Report
Throughout the state, hospitals work to improve health — at both the individual and community levels.
Hospitals’ many community-focused health improvement activities are designed to keep Missourians active, healthy and productive. At the same time, hospitals’ investments in infrastructure and the latest technology strengthen the economic core of the communities they serve.
The benefits of these everyday efforts constitute a hospital’s community investment. This report is designed to help Missourians understand how their local hospital — and hospitals throughout the state — contributes to a stronger, healthier community.

MHA Resources
The Price and Quality Measure Technical Manual provides specifications for measures that are included in MHA’s transparency initiative. This set of indicators tracks outcomes related to the cost and quality of patient care throughout the health care continuum.
Contact An Expert

Stephen Njenga
Focus on Hospitals
The Focus on Hospitals website provides consumers with information about local hospitals. The site allows users to view data on hospitals’ community investment and the care provided by hospitals. It also provides resources on preventable hospitalizations and making informed health decisions.