Patient and Family Engagement
Evidence suggests that when patients are more actively involved in their health care experience, they have better health outcomes and incur lower costs.
MHA believes that engaging patients and families is a critical component of long-term planning and policy development — from the bedside to the boardroom and beyond.
Patient Family Advisory Council
Formed in 2017, the MHA statewide Patient Family Advisory Council is comprised of patients, family members, patient advocates, hospital staff and providers in Missouri. One of only a handful of state-level councils in the nation, MHA’s PFAC is focused on increasing the role of patients and family members to improve health care delivery, health outcomes and reignite joy in work through improved patient-provider relationships.
PFE Roadmap
MHA’s PFE roadmap supports engagement and achievement of 12 PFE metrics endorsed by CMS’ Partnership for Patients and adapted from the Michigan Keystone Center’s Patient and Family Engagement resource.
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