Hospital Industry Data Institute
The Hospital Industry Data Institute provides timely access to data and information services for hospitals to support their strategic planning, advocacy and health policy initiatives. HIDI offers high-quality data resources through its data collection, analysis and dissemination to more than 800 hospitals nationwide.
American College of Healthcare Executives
The American College of Healthcare Executives is an international professional society of more than 48,000 health care executives who lead hospitals, health care systems and other health care organizations. ACHE’s mission is to advance our members and health care management excellence. ACHE offers its prestigious FACHE® credential, signifying board certification in health care management. ACHE’s established network of 77 chapters provides access to networking, education and career development at the local level. In addition, ACHE is known for its magazine, Healthcare Executive, and its career development and public policy programs. The Foundation of ACHE is known for its educational programs — including the annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership, which draws more than 4,000 participants — and groundbreaking research.