Decisions regarding EMResource system modifications are determined by the EMResource Advisory Committee. The committee is comprised of hospital, public health, EMS and other state/local health care representatives throughout the state. The committee meets on a quarterly basis to identify, discuss and prioritize potential system enhancements, and develop implementation strategies for any changes to the system as necessary.

MHA maintains Missouri’s license for the Juvare EMResource and eICS applications, and is able to offer access to hospitals and health care coalitions throughout Missouri.
Missouri hospitals and health care organizations utilize these applications for organizational and regional response coordination.
MHA maintains the statewide license for these applications through funding from the ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program, CFDA 93.889, through a subcontract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
EMResource was initially adopted in Missouri as a tool to monitor and coordinate bed availability and hospital diversion status between health care organizations, emergency medical services and dispatch centers. With the implementation of the Hospital Preparedness Program in 2002, EMResource was adopted statewide as the platform to collect and submit federal HavBED (Hospital Available Beds in Emergencies and Disasters). As Missouri’s health care preparedness program has developed, the application has expanded in functionality and continues to evolve as statewide health care coordination needs are identified.
eICS (electronic incident command system) was developed by Missouri health care leaders as an organizational-based tool to assist hospitals with the management of emergency incidents within their individual facilities to include staff notification. Today, use of the eICS system has evolved to support the communication and coordination needs of health care organizations in a regional or statewide response. The tool can be utilized for both real-world and exercise/drill communications, response and coordination.
eICS allows users to:
- initiate event notifications
- manage incidents virtually
- assign, track and notify staff of ICS positions
- monitor event log information
- access HICS forms and job action sheets
- message incident participants
- manage tasks/objectives
Missouri Hospital Association (MHA)
Carissa Van Hunnik
Manager of Emergency Preparedness-Data Systems
573-893-3700, ext. 1329
St. Louis Area Regional Response System (STARRS) – St. Louis Region
Rachel Mazzara
St. Louis HCC Readiness and Response Coordinator
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) – Kansas City Region
Jennifer Sutherlin
Emergency Services Planner and Exercise Coordinator
- Update Your User Information — Juvare Support Center
- Update Event Notification Preferences — Juvare Support Center
- Update Status Change Preferences — Juvare Support Center
- Edit Resource Details — Juvare Support Center
- Create or Edit a Custom View — Juvare Support Center
- Update an Event Status — Juvare Support Center
- MCI Event Creation Guidance: Initiate an MCI Event Query
- MCI Event Creation Guidance: Monitor, Edit or End MCI Query
Contact An Expert

Carissa Van Hunnik
Request Access
To gain access to EMResource, complete a request form and email it to Carissa Van Hunnik.