Hospital Industry Data Institute
The Hospital Industry Data Institute provides timely access to data and information services for hospitals to support their strategic planning, advocacy and health policy initiatives.
With more than 35-plus years of experience in data collection, HIDI’s staff continues to build on its expertise in data collection, analytics and reporting. This not-for-profit organization, founded by the Missouri Hospital Association, continues to serve hospitals’ increasing needs for high-quality data resources to nearly 2,400 hospitals nationwide.
HIDI Advantage®
HIDI Advantage, a secure web-based platform from HIDI, provides analytic offerings for hospital staff from a single point of entry. HIDI Analytic Advantage presents reports in categories for participating hospitals’ specific reporting needs.
Through partnerships with state associations, HIDI continues to leverage its expertise in data collection and reporting services as staff shares its knowledge and best practices with colleagues. This arrangement allows HIDI to work as your silent partner as it designs and implements customized reports to meet your organization’s unique needs.
Premier Reporting and Data Packages
HIDI’s Premier Reporting and Data Packages include comprehensive, robust data reports on inpatient and outpatient statistics and utilization rates to guide hospital leaders in making informed decisions about strategic planning and marketing, finance, performance, and quality improvement. By subscribing to HIDI’s Premier Reporting Package and/or the Premier Data Package, your hospital will have access to an assortment of HIDI’s most popular data products at a fraction of the price. Packages are available to hospitals participating in the HIDI discharge data submission program.
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