
Jane Drummond
- Advocacy
- State Legislation
Legislation and policymaking have significant influence on hospitals’ ability to deliver on their community-focused missions. Each year, from January to May, Missouri’s lawmakers meet in Jefferson City to offer and debate legislation. MHA, hospital partners and health care stakeholders work to ensure these efforts result in an environment supportive of our missions and values.
Issues related to hospitals and health care are always on the agenda during the state’s legislative session. MHA assists lawmakers’ efforts in crafting legislation and educates them about how proposed bills can improve or harm health in the communities they serve. In addition, MHA evaluates legislation and partners with member hospitals and stakeholders to support beneficial measures and block proposals that harm hospitals and our state’s health care system.
MHA’s 2025 Legislative Guide provides a framework for this year’s agenda — in support of better health and stronger hospitals, and where we expect to defend against harmful legislation.
The convening of Missouri’s 103rd General Assembly included many new lawmakers in both chambers and was quickly followed by the inauguration of a new governor. MHA’s efforts during the primary and general elections in 2024, which built new relationships and strengthened others, will create opportunities for progress.
In 2025, our agenda includes the following areas of emphasis:
- supporting a better system by removing barriers that harm hospitals’ ability to deliver care or that increase the financial burden on hospitals
- evaluating, monitoring and shaping legislation that effects the health care workforce, patient care, liability protections, and holds health plans accountable, while supporting hospital operations
- safeguarding hospitals and the health care system from proposals that would reduce hospitals’ ability to deliver on their community-focused missions
There is no guarantee, given the countless influences that shape the session, that lawmakers will have a productive year within our established policy recommendations. However, we have worked to shape an environment that optimizes our chance for success within this framework.
We’re also making investments in our advocacy programs outside of the Capitol, including enhanced hospital leader-lawmaker contact in communities throughout the state and digital advocacy on behalf of the hospital agenda. This engagement helps localize and ground the law- and budget-making process.
We’re excited to present this agenda to MHA members and the public, and we believe these proposals would support improved care and health in Missouri.

2025 Legislative Guide
The guide identifies critical advocacy agenda items for the upcoming session and can be used to support and inform hospital-based advocacy efforts at the state level.